
Self-Portrait Of Myself As A Teenage Boy

I will bring you bunches of purple
flowers, because your eyes curve when you smile
and it makes me
want to celebrate. I want to experience
the humidity of you, your close proximity;
we could be magnets.

Strong magnetic fields are present that could
make some items suddenly fly

It’s springtime again and everything
is alakazam! (magically) blooming -
speaking of blooming -
I earned my merit badge in french-kissing
when I was thirteen.
Back then, my days seemed to consist
of french-fry smells/shelves of CDs/
my father pacing in his business suit.
I was a burned cake, a failed family recipe.

I was just about to ask,
how much do you love me?
when those four handsome boys
in matching t-shirts smiled at you,
and here I am, with a handful of wilted petals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you done now that youve become a boy or are you going to continue working